Infant Program
6 weeks - 18 months
The most important ingredient in infant care is a warm, responsive, and dependable adult caregiver. We spend lots of time holding, cuddling, and playing with the infants in our care. In the infant room, the needs of the child dictate the schedule. Diapering and hygiene are scheduled on an as needed basis. Infants are fed according to their individual feeding plans and will nap and rest as needed throughout the day.In the infant room, we have the opportunity to impact children's development and help them reach their potential through the experiences we provide each day. The routine is enriched with language, cognitive, and sensory experiences. We also have music, movement, and finger plays in the daily schedule.The infants have opportunities for fine motor, social/emotional , and gross motor activities.These activities give them opportunities for exploration and to expose them to stimuli that help develop their young brains and set the stage for educational success. We also introduce sign language to help babies communicate.Each day parents shall receive a report that explains what and when your child ate, how often your child was changed, when your child slept, any special accomplishments, and much more.